Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1976 Jorma Kaukonen of "The Jefferson Airplane", now "Hot Tuna"

Cover: Jorma Kaukonen of "The Jefferson Airplane", now "Hot Tuna"

Contents: 1976 Jorma Kaukonen of "The Jefferson Airplane", now "Hot Tuna"; The Doobie Brothers - four rock guitarists talk about their music; Joe Wolverton - forty years of jazz and pop guitar; Cornell Dupree - New York session star and R&B specialist; Sam McGee - a last talk with a country headliner; Donn Pohren - the U.S. Flamenco expert who settled in Spain; Ragtime Guitar - its roots, its founders, its present masters; more

1976 June Guitar Player Magazine Back-Issue available at www.GuitarPulp.com

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