Tuesday, November 23, 2010

1959 Vintage ad of Julian Bream on Westminster Records

This vintage ad is inside the 1959 June Guitar Review #22 Magazine. Click the image to go directly to the listing.

"Fascinating...Enchanting"...England's Great Guitarist and Lutenist, Julian Bream on Westminster Records.

"Julian Bream's second guitar record is even more enchanting than his first." High Fidelity Magazine

"Uncommon gifts...pre-eminently a musician of taste and discrimination." Saturday Review of Literature

"This English youngster has got something very special. He sounds like -and he is - a former student of Segovia. "Former", I take it, because there is nothing more the master can teach him. Such purity of style and technique is uncommon to say the least." Hi-Fi Music at Home

"Fascinating, to say the least. His playing is distinguished by a marvelous precision, marvelous clarity and a tone as warm and sensuous as Elman's on the violin." New York Journal American

1959 June Guitar Review #22 Classical Guitar Magazine Back-Issue available at www.GuitarPulp.com

Included in this Guitar Review #22 are vintage ads for Julian Bream on Westminster Records and Andres Segovia, The Golden Jubilee Album on Decca Records.

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