Friday, January 7, 2011

1974 Contessa Guitars from Hohner - two good reasons to try

Reason #1 - Contessa guitars from Hohner sound good. But the only way you'll agree with us is to try one. Listen to the bass notes. Run up to the top frets. Crank the tuning hardware. Examine the wood, its thickness and grain. Feel the inlay work and the finish. Above all, take your time. Your dealer doesn't mind, and we want you to hear all the sounds a Contessa has to offer. And once you find the sound you're after, you won't lose it. Here's why:

Reason #2: The Hohner Warranty. The better the sound, the more delicate the guitar. That's why our Warranty is so important. It's your assurance that this good-sounding guitar will keep on sounding good. For a long time...

1974 Contessa Guitars from Hohner - two good reasons to try Ad available at

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